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Tag: "finland"

The Coming Apocalyptica

  03/07/11 02:13, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois, Bands , Tags: apocalyptica, barefootmusicnews, finland, metallica, paul bourgeois, rock and roll, sibelius
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois Once upon a time, in a faraway mythical country of snow and ice there lived a man named Sibelius who drank too much and liked to make strange and wonderful music which had big, huge tones. The people in his own… more »

Lordi Lordi Lordi

  10/04/10 00:12, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois, Bands , Tags: apocalyptica, culture, eppu normaali, finland, kiss, leskinen, metal, music, twisted sister
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois I moved to Finland in March 2005. Three months later I was married.  Nine months after that I had a kid. It was a heavy year for me. And all through that  Conan O’Brian claims he is the Finnish… more »

Finland and Folk... and Goth Metal?

  09/27/10 05:10, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: death, finland, folk, goth, goth metal, metal, music, sibelius, snoop dogg, v_rtiin_
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois When I was in the Czech Republic I came across a wonderful tape called “Death Songs of the Near East” by a small artistic ensemble, a collection of folk tales about death from Eastern Europe. It was… more »

For Lack of Something Better to Say

  05/10/10 02:28, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: blue monsters, finland, hayley hart, kotka, musical musings, paul bourgeois
Push Play to hear the song Our own Paul Bourgeois and The Blue Monsters “Ragdoll” by Hayley Hart Musical Musings by Paul Bourgeois Hi, I’ve been upgrading my system all day and Eric and I were practicing all day yesterday for the gig… more »
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