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Tag: "musical musings"

Why? I Really Mean It. Why?

  10/31/11 03:45, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: article, commentary, dan grigor, music, musical musings, paul bourgeois
It is all about doing our daily functions, breathing, sleeping, creaking, groaning, heart beating, stubbing toes, jamming fingers, drinking tea and slogging through the brain work of theory so we can get to the physical act of forcing all those things up through our bodies and into our instrument. more »

Lord of The Dance (The Runner, Part 3)

  10/03/11 03:51, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: barefootmusicnews, fiction, music, musical musings, paul bourgeois
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois On the fifth of September the voices came to him again. They told him to run away. If having money meant being tied to Mason then Paul would rather be free. All he needed was food and guitar strings, and Kirsti,… more »

Lord of The Dance (Voices, Part 2)

  09/26/11 03:14, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: barefootmusicnews, fiction, music, musical musings, paul bourgeois
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois When Paul Castle’s first album “Voices of Fortune” was released Mason North had anticipated the great success and sent Paul away to a cabin in Northern Finland for a few months to write more. Mason… more »

Writer's Block

  09/11/11 01:54, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: barefootmusicnews, bourgeois, dream, fiction, music, musical musings, writer_s block
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois Plink, plink, plonk. “Doe, ray, me, faaaa, damn, damn, damn!” Nothing! He felt discordant, or worse, ordinary. He wanted to scream but he was trapped in a little apartment: walls, wife, children,… more »

Let's Form A Band, Daddy

  07/11/11 01:21, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: commentary, family, guitar, harmonica, music, musical musings, paul bourgeois
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois I have no idea what a kid is going to grow up into. As a parent I can only encourage. I can only present my child with opportunities to learn. I can only be an example through my own activities, and if my child is… more »

Have You Squandered Your Right to Exist?

  03/21/11 02:37, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: inspiration, musical musings, paul bourgeois, songwriting, the blue monsters
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois Look… fear, anger, death, violence, lack of ambition and frustration are all great subjects for songs. So if you have them inside you, why not use them constructively. Me? I’ve just been hanging about… more »

Nick and Jack and Me

  11/08/10 01:02, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: animation by paul bourgeois, bevan-john, halifax, music, musical musings, paul bourgeois
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois Before I came to Finland I did a couple animated music videos for a group called Jack MacDonald and the Hotel Faces. Jack was the lyricist/singer of the band and Nick Bevan-John was the musician. My take on Jack… more »



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