Don't Suck at Guitar

Category: "BFMN Exclusive"

Get Up, Get Out, and JAM, Part 1: Swami's/Beach Grass Cafe

  03/06/12 12:25, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Review, Dan Grigor, Sound Advice, video , Tags: beach grass cafe, bud hamberg, call for info, dan grigor, if you don_t mind, jam
Sound Advice from Dan Grigor This is the first in what will be an ongoing effort to promote getting off the Internet, turning off your TV, putting your phone on vibrate and going out and playing some music with people you don't know. It can be wildly entertaining and, as you make m… more »

The Iceman Shreddith

  10/05/11 14:09, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Guitar Players, Dan Grigor , Tags: 12-string, 8-string, dan grigor, guitar, ibanez, iceman, paul stanley, review
A cool thing about being me is that people bring over really cool guitars for me to play. The other day, my friend Jerry brought two guitars that were delightful to play. One was a beautiful custom that he designed and built; more about that in a minut… more »

Only Two Kinds of Musicians in the World

  11/11/10 22:50, by , Categories: Don't Suck at The Blues, BFMN Exclusive, Dan Grigor, Sound Advice , Tags: bfmn exclusive, dan grigor, jamming, player, read music, sound advice
Sound Advice from Dan Grigor There are only two kinds of musicians in the world. Which are you? Which would you rather be? Let's find out. Let me explain what I mean. I have been trying for some time to get a little band together just for fun. I really do prefer… more »

Less Is More, the Importance of Silence

  11/09/10 14:08, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Edward Lapple, Take It From Me , Tags: carol kaye, chordal progressions, edward lapple, less is more, rick marotta, twelve-bar
Take It From Me by Edward Lapple: I'm a bass player, at least I've been playing at it for four decades now. I've tried playing guitar but I have never even been beginning good at it and I always blame my lack of competence on my fat fingers. My finge… more »
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Practice Makes Ready

  10/05/10 23:56, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Guitar Players, Dan Grigor , Tags: call for info, dan grigor, finger exercises, green screen trio, how to practice guitar, practice, stay tuned
Sound Advice from Dan Grigor There is a thing I do every day and I have been doing it for a really, really, really long time. I add a third "really" now that I just had a birthday. I'm pretty sure that means that I have been playing guitar, very nearly every… more »
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