is really designed for guitar players. Some of our topics and technical jargon may be weird for others to read. Maybe you are not one of us, but you love one of us. We are not easy to get along with, are we? We like to be the center of attention, our creativity makes us absentminded and oblivious and music is a permanent mistress. It can be difficult. Count your blessings; it’s easier than living with a drummer.
We really do love you and appreciate you coming to our gigs and holding the jackets and sitting at the table talking us up to the drunks while we are on stage. We get it that you have heard all our jokes and have listened to the same 20 songs over and over and over again. Thank you. No, seriously, thank you!
Click through for ideas to make your favorite guitarist’s holiday brighter!
The holidays can be stressful for anyone. A lot of us will be working while you are left to take care of the holiday plans. Chances are you still have some last-minute shopping to do or need a great stocking stuffer idea. Let me remove some stress from your holiday season and provide a short list of cool stuff you can buy us.
First off, unless you are absolutely, positively sure of the exact brand and gauge of strings or pick, do not waste your money. It is a very personal and guitar-dependent choice. A few packs of the right strings or a 100 picks is a great gift for the poor guitar player in your life. It’s also kind of like getting socks and underwear: necessary but not that much fun.
Wearable Rock
I’m kind of a nerd, so it should be no surprise that I love these guys. has very cool stuff for the nerd and, now, for the guitar player in your life.
Get this: it is a T-Shirt Guitar
! Did you hear what I said? A T-SHIRT GUITAR! How cool is that? It’s even available in sizes for kids!
The minute I saw this I had to have one. Rock your guitar player’s world with one of these killer shirts.
It is also the perfect gift for the wannabe guitar player who isn’t quite “there” yet. Tuned as open chords, you can play thousands of songs with one finger. Crank the included amp up to 11 (it really goes to 11!) and this thing rocks; it sounds like a stolen Strat.
To be honest, I’m a little skinny for this. I have to kind of stick my belly out so there is something to push against. It really doesn’t take very long, though, to get the hang of it. Unfortunately, there is no song book included so I had to invent shirttab so I could write down some songs to play.
Grab your Christmas songbook here (right-click, save).
A Marshall half-stack under $50
Short of a custom-built guitar, the coolest thing you could ever buy for your electric guitar player is a Marshall half-stack. You may have one in your living room already. Without question it is the quintessential stage amp, but it is not always the most practical amp for practice in your apartment. At roughly 600 bucks, you may decide you don’t love him quite that much. What if I told you that you could get a Marshall Ms-2 Mini Amp
for less than fifty bucks? Musician’s Friend
has one that you can hang on your belt.

Aside from the cool classic look this thing sounds surprisingly like a “real” amp. A great little practice amp, it has standard volume and tone controls and has two channels, one clean and one with overdrive. It runs on a 9-volt battery, so you can take it anywhere. Plug in headphones and you can play anywhere, anytime and not bother a soul. I love this little amp and I’ve always wanted a half-stack. This is big sound in a little package. That it looks just like the real thing is a bonus that is guaranteed to bring a smile.
A Guitar Stand
or Wall Hanger
is a great, inexpensive gift. Be aware when buying a guitar stand that there is a difference between an acoustic or electric. The bottom tangs need to accommodate the big-butt acoustics, short tang stands are only for electric guitar or bass. If you are not sure if they already have one, rest assured it is really cool to have an extra or two for when the bandmates come over to jam.
Over the shoulder guitar holder
Guitar Straps
are one of those things that are very personal. Most folks would probably like a really nice, expensive leather strap but you never know. Some guidelines for a good strap are 2-inch wide for a light guitar, 3-inch for a heavy one or a bass. Adjustable is mandatory; color and styles are a matter of taste. Try to not get one that clashes with the guitar. Chances are they already have a strap they like. One great addition is a set of Strap Locks
. They keep the strap from slipping off the guitar, the cheapest guitar insurance there is.
Not a mani-pedi
One other thing to consider is a really good diamond dust nail file and pair of clippers. It is really nice to have a dedicated set in the guitar case. Don’t skimp on this one; get a good set. They’re comparatively cheap and last forever. has a good file here
Of course electric players probably all have a pedal or stomp box they want, a Gift Certificate
at a music store for 100 bucks would go a long way in getting geared up. There is not an electric guitar or bass player in the world that wouldn’t want a really roadworthy guitar cable. You can spend 12 bucks on a house special at the music store but you would be a hero if you spend 45 for a good one.
We at BareFoot headquarters think that bringing music into the lives of children is very important for many reasons. It not only brings joy, it has been shown to make them smarter, better at math and…well, we’ll save the rest for another article. But here are some ideas for Top Gifts for Kids
of all ages and skill levels. We hope you use it to help bring some joyful noise to this holiday season! You never know. You may help launch a lifetime love for music!
Well there you go folks. Happy Holidays!
I hope you and yours find all the stuff you want under your tree.
Did I mention that my CD, Floating, makes a great holiday gift for anyone?
If you’ve been good, that is!
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