All the news that's foot to print

Tag: "les paul"

A Quiet but Eternal Legacy

  03/24/13 20:26, by , Categories: Music News, Dan Grigor , Tags: ambassador of music, bulletin board, dan grigor, edward lawrence robinson, guitar lessons, larry robinson, les paul, music store, musical instrument, open mic, pete_s music
There is a horrible story playing out in a tiny little town near me. You see, the guy that worked there in their tiny little music store was beaten and robbed. Someone came in, tied him up, beat… more »

Wild Tricks - Les Paul and Beyond

  06/09/10 00:32, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Sound, Studio Sound, Ed Lapple, Take It From Me , Tags: bfmn exclusive, edward lapple, joe walsh, les paul, take it from me
Take It From Me by Edward Lapple Wild tricks in the recording studio are the stuff of legend. Musicians in the know will whisper about how the latest hottie got his sound. Ever since Les Paul invented the multi-track tape recorder, there have been… more »

UPDATE: More than 40 Birds Play My Fender Strat

  02/18/10 22:28, by , Categories: Guitar, Electric, Music News, BFMN Exclusive , Tags: 40, barefoot, birds, dan, fender, gibson, grigor, guitar, les paul, play, strat
The latest episode in the quest to get 41 birds to play my Fender Strat. When we last left our hero he was all set up to record the birds the following morning at the crack of dawn or “first light” as he put it. Our “hero” slept… more »

40 wild birds play a Gibson Les Paul Guitar. Why not a Flying V?

  02/04/10 01:36, by , Categories: Welcome, Guitar, Electric, Music News , Tags: barbican art gallery, barefootmusicnews, c_leste boursier-mougenot, grigor, les paul, london, the curve
This is fascinating for some reason; I’m not sure why. I don’t know art, but I know what I like. An often-thought thought when I go to galleries is “What the hell is that?” Some art I just don’t understand. The… more »

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