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On Day Two of Bloodstock Open Air, They Moshed in the Mud
Great new photosets by Moonshayde!
Click Here for Onslaught; Click Here for Lithurgy; Click Here for Point Blank Fury; Click Here for Edguy; Click Here for Hanging Doll
Click Here for The End of Day Two
The ground had turned into swampy mud puddles but what’s a festival in UK without a bit of mud! Traders in the arena were doing brisk business selling wellies, rain gear and warm ponchos and we had a wander round before checking out the Dio stage where British thrashers Onslaught were delivering some energetic, bone-crushing metal to a growing crowd and getting the mosh going in the mud.
Heavy showers were the order of the day but that didn’t seem to bother the festival goers, some revelling in the chance of a free shower to wash off the mud while we headed for the warmth of the New Blood tent to watch Brighton-based band Lithurgy. Surprisingly the addition of a saxophone to the instruments worked rather well for the youngsters version of proggy thrash metal.
Bloodstock offers the chance to many unsigned bands to shine on both their smaller stages. Lithurgy did just that. On the way back to the Dio stage we found Point Blank Fury at the Jaegermeister stage. Hailing from Birmingham, the home of British heavy metal, these 5 young lads delivered an acoustic set of classic rock – keep an ear out for these representatives of the New Generation of British Heavy Metal… I’ll be making sure to catch them fully plugged in and electrified soon!
Next on Dio stage were Germany’s Edguy with a stand-in bassist from Helloween. By the end of their hard rock set the rain had stopped and the audience were exuberantly singing along almost as loudly as Tobi.
No rest for the wicked and enjoying a break in the rain we headed back to the Jaeger stage for Hanging Doll’s pared down (only 2 members of the band ) acoustic set. Another Birmingham band it was a pity that they could only play an acoustic set as Sally’s strong vocals sound even better when backed by harmonies and full gothic orchestral band behind her. Hopefully, next year the organisers of Bloodstock will give both Hanging Doll and Point Blank Fury a full set on a larger stage.
DO NOT MISS the BareFoot FotoBlog sets by Moonshayde!
Click Here for Onslaught; Click Here for Lithurgy;
Click Here for Point Blank Fury; Click Here for Edguy;
Click Here for Hanging Doll…
and Click Here for The End of B·O·A Day Two!
Read the story and enjoy the photos of
Bloodstock Day One too: Part One and Part Two