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Tag: "blues"

21st Century Schizoid Band

  07/05/10 02:30, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: 21st century schizoid man, blues, emerson lake and palmer, king crimson, music, performance, scale, the blue monsters, theory
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois “Cat’s foot. Iron Claw. Neuro-Surgeons scream for more. At paranoia’s poison door. 21st Century Schizoid man.” I can remember belting that out in the basement of our apartment building with a five-piece… more »

Is the Harmonica Player Really a Musician? - Part 1

  06/14/10 00:27, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: bar fight, blues, harmonica, jazz, keys, music theory, musician, rhythm, schecter diamond series, the blue monsters
Musical Musings with Paul Bourgeois Dan Grigor said he loved these articles because they were “a wonderful look into the mind of the working musician.” I don’t know about that, but it warms my wretched heart. I’m a singer and a harmonica… more »

The Angry Mix

  05/17/10 01:45, by , Categories: Welcome, BFMN Exclusive, Live Sound, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: blue monsters, blues, gig, mix, music, sound
Musical Musings by Paul Bourgeois Ok! I’m going to rant and rave and complain about some technical problems the band “The Blue Monsters” has been having. Some people might find it instructive. I just need to get this crap out of my system before I… more »

I Am The Blues

  05/03/10 01:48, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: anthrax, blues, ellington, hell, johnny winter, paul bourgeois, stormy monday, thorogood
Musical Musings by Paul Bourgeois Yep. That’s me. I’m the guy. I’m the guy with a million and ten reasons to be miserable about my own life. That’s also a 1970 album by Willie Dixon. I didn’t want you to think I was… more »

A Road to Hip Hop

  04/05/10 00:30, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Monday Morning Musical Musings, Paul Bourgeois , Tags: bfmn, black, blues, branford marsalis, digable planets, duke ellington, guru, hip-hop, jazz, last poets, new york, paul bourgeois, red hot _ cool, stolen moments, waok, watts prophets
Musical Musings by Paul Bourgeois I just had this discussion with one of my students, a girl from Detroit. She told me I couldn’t know much about hip-hop because I am a white Canadian, and she’s right. As GURU (Gifted Unlimited Rhymes… more »

The Pentatonic Scale – A Pent Up Tonic for your Soul - Part 1

  04/01/10 01:17, by , Categories: Don't Suck at The Blues, Beginner , Tags: 7th, b7, blues, bobby mcferrin, chord, dan grigor, flat, major, minor, patterns, pentatonic scale, scale, scales, snake
I wanted to explain how the pentatonic scale is an innate aspect of our beings. I wrote and rewrote 500 words. OK, who are we kidding? It was more like 800 words or so about this scale and how it has become a part of us. Then I found this… more »

TootSweet James and Dan Grigor play I Hate The Blues

  03/26/10 19:07, by , Categories: Monday Morning Blues , Tags: 12 string, 12-string, barefoot, blues, dan grigor, guitar, saxaphone, tootsweet james, wilderness
One more cut from the Wilderness Blues Set. My new sax player buddy TootSweet James! You can count on more music from us in the future. Check the channel at YouTube or subscribe so you don't miss a thing. Here we go, "I Hate The Blues" (but I love playin… more »



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