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Category: "Bands"

Practice Makes Perfect

  08/13/10 00:40, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Ed Lapple, Take It From Me, Bands , Tags: edward lapple, freddie ravel, musical director, practice leader, zig ziglar
Take It From Me by Edward Lapple Band practice. Boy, that sounds like work, and they are. You’re thinking, “I’ve got to get to practice, what a bore.” You just want to get out on stage and be a star, right? But we all know that… more »

MOONSHOT: Skin Meets Strings at Sonisphere, Day Two

  08/12/10 00:01, by , Categories: Music News, Festivals and Events, BFMN Exclusive, BareFoot Fotogs, Moonshayde Photography, Bands, Featured Artist , Tags: apocalyptica, hard rock, knebworth, metal, moonshayde photography, skunk anansie, sonisphere uk 2010
Click band names below for BFMN Exclusive Photos by Moonshayde Skunk Anansie and Apocalyptica Perform at Knebworth   SHARETHIS.addEntry( { title : 'MOONSHOT: Skin Meets Strings at Sonisphere, Day Two',… more »

A Band By Any Other Name

  08/07/10 20:07, by , Categories: BFMN Exclusive, Bands, Review, Featured Artist, Awesome Nobodies , Tags: of sons and ghosts, san diego, signature sound, steven rask, the casbah, the soda bar
A Review by Steven Rask Imagine your favorite local band; the sound they produce, the way the music seeps into your subconscious. You have all their releases, you anticipate their next album, and their next show. Then, without warning, you’re told… more »

BFMN Exclusive Photoset . . . MoonShot . . . Alice Cooper

  08/07/10 19:24, by , Categories: Music News, Festivals and Events, BFMN Exclusive, Moonshayde Photography, Bands, Featured Artist , Tags: alice cooper, england, knebworth house, moonshayde photography, sonisphere, stevenage, theatre of death
  Alice Cooper Brings Theatre of Death Tour to Sonisphere 2010 at Knebworth House Click Here Now!   SHARETHIS.addEntry( { title : 'BFMN Exclusive Photoset . . . MoonShot . . . Alice Cooper', url :… more »

Acaro Wrings Positive Vibe from Solid New England Metal

  08/05/10 00:31, by , Categories: Music News, Bands, Review, Featured Artist, Music In Pictures , Tags: acaro, blaze_s billiards, boston, metal, musicinpictures_net, new england, west warwick
Review by Ken Cote Photos by Music In Pictures Who is this New England metal band called Acaro? I first started hearing a buzz about this band towards the end of 2009. As the calendar rolled into 2010 it seemed like every time I looked Acaro was on the… more »

Day Two of High Voltage Shockin Awesome

  07/29/10 16:56, by , Categories: Music News, Festivals and Events, BFMN Exclusive, Bands, Review , Tags: emerson lake and palmer, high voltage festival, mark taylor, mott the hoople, uriah heep, wishbone ash, zz top
Review and Photos by Mark Taylor Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. I’m so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside. Click here for Mark Taylor’s impression of Day One at High Voltage, and check out the images from… more »

Inaugural High Voltage Festival Makes History in London

  07/28/10 13:59, by , Categories: Music News, Festivals and Events, BFMN Exclusive, Bands, Review , Tags: black sabbath, emerson lake and palmer, gary moore, heaven and hell, high voltage festival, mark taylor, zz top
Review by Mark Taylor Photos by LEON History was being made this weekend at the inaugural High Voltage Festival as it was the first time a major rock festival was being held in Victoria Park, east of London, not too far from where the Olympics will be… more »



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