All the news that's foot to print

Tag: "video"

Tallan Noble Latz Backstage, an Interview with Catfish Butler

  02/05/10 03:30, by , Categories: NAMM 2010, BFMN Exclusive , Tags: barefootmusicnews, benson, blues, brothers, frank _catfish_ butler, goffeney, grigor, interview, latz, noble, sass, tallan, toeclip, video
by Dan Grigor We were done. He said we were done. We, Frank “Catfish” Butler and I had run around all day from shoot to shoot, interview to interview, new toy to new toy. Saturday at NAMM had, to this point, pretty much worn us out. The… more »

Up All Night Cutting Together the Catfish Interview with Tallan Noble Latz

  01/31/10 10:19, by , Categories: NAMM 2010, NAMM 2010 Music, BFMN Exclusive , Tags: barefootmusicnews, blues cartel, frank _catfish_ butler, grigor, interview, lakeelsinorecam, latz, noble, tallan, video
by Dan Grigor I’ve been up all night cutting together young Tallan Noble Latz interviewing Frank “Catfish” Butler of The West Coast Blues Cartel. This Barefoot Cameraman has shot a few interviews. This one in particular will stick in… more »



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